
Established in November 1996 we are a company that provides total Solution Packages for Internet Access, Web Hosting, Design and Construction, onsite Consultancy, and training. We are dedicated to solving any problems as quickly and friendly as possible. Whether it be a home user account or business account, our highest priority is customer satisfaction. We pride ourselves on bringing you, the customer, some of the lowest prices available. Regardless what form of business iForm can supply you with, we stand by our quality of professionalism. And our final and most important rule with all clients is always being honest.

At iForm we have a wide background in the computer and communications industry. With 12 years of Communications and 12 years of Computer engineering and sales experience, we can advise on all facets of your Business Network.

Besides your basic internet access we offer many value added services.
Some of these services include....

  • Multi-Link connections via Windows NT
  • Domain Registration on your behalf
  • Hosting of your domain name
  • Web Site Design and Construction
  • Small to Medium size Network Installations and Maintainence
  • On site training

    Further information can be obtained through the following.
    Phone iForm +61 2 93887777 Sydney Hours 9am - 7pm
    PO Box 2192 Rose Bay North NSW 2030
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    Copyright ©1997/98 iForm. No portion of this site may be reproduced in whole or part.
    Comments about this web site, email webmaster