
At iForm we are investing into all areas of Net related Business.

We offer a wide range of services and products that will help your business take the step into the 21st Century.

Web and Domain Hosting

Your products and services now have another avenue of Advertising never seen before for such cheap prices.

Imagine being able to tell your customers that they can view your entire product and service range by simply typing in a WWW address in their Browser. You don't have to worry about printing new catalogues and flyers having them fall out of date the minute they are printed. You can update your site the same time your product range or prices change. The second they are updated, your changes are immediately visible to the entire world.

You can now have a World Wide Advertising medium for prices that we think are some of the most competative around. For pricing on our Web Site Hosting click here or follow the link to the right.

Higher Speed Connections

At iForm we have the ability to offer several forms of connection types. Besides the basic 33.6K and ISDN dial in, we also offer ( if you are running Windows NT ), multilink 33.6k connections. This allows you to have virtual ISDN speeds for the cost of 2 modems and 2 telephone lines. Your charges to Telstra are 2 local calls ( Sydney Metro ) and NOT the expensive ISDN timed call charges.

With either a single connection at 33.6 or multilink, we have a typical sucess rate of 99.9% of obtaining a free modem between 6am and 6pm.

We also offer dedicated 33.6k and ISDN connections with permanent IP addresses.

If you dont have Windows NT but have a small network that requires more than one 33.6k connection, and can't afford to set up a modem on every computer, then Banksia make a product called WebRamp that we can install to allow several machines to be connected on up to 3 combined modems. For more information on this product click here.

For pricing on our dial up and permanent connections, click here to jump to our services page.

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This document is Copyright iForm 1997. Any reproduction or linking is forbidden without direct permission from iForm.

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